Internet And E-Commerce Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Internet: Evolution, Concepts, Growth of Internet, ISP, ISP in India, Types of Connectivity, Dial-up, Leased Line, DSL, Broadband, RF, VSAT etc., Methods of Sharing of Internet Connection, Use of Proxy Server, Internet Services: USENET, GOPHER, WAIS, ARCHIE, VERONICA, IRC, Concepts of Search Engines, Search Engine Types, Searching the Web, Web-Servers, TCP/IP and Other main protocol used on the Web, E-mail: Concepts of e-mailing, POP and Web Based E-mail merits, address, Basics of sending and Receiving, E-mail Protocols, Mailing List, Free E-mail services, e-mail servers and e-mail client programs.

Introduction to E-Commerce emergence of the Internet, Commercial use of the Internet, Emergence of the World Wide Web, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce, Transition to E-Commerce in India, E-Commerce opportunities for industries.


Models: Business models for E-Commerce, Models based on Relationship of Transition Parties: B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B, Models based on Relationship of Transition types, Brokerage Model, Aggregator Model, Infomediary Model, Community Model, Value-Chain Model, Manufacturer Model, Advertising Model, Subscription Model, Affiliate Model.


E-Marketing versus Traditional Marketing, Identifying Web Presence Goals, Browsing Behavior Model, Online Marketing, E-Advertising, Internet Marketing Trends, E-Branding and E-Marketing Strategies.

E-Security, Information System Security, Security on the Internet, E-Business Risk Management Issues, Information Security environment in India, 
E-Payment System, Digital Payment Requirement, Digital Token Based e-payment System, Properties of Electronic Cash, risk and e-payment Systems and Designing –payment systems, 
Secure Business, Web-Store, Online Payment, Internet Banking, Security- E-Commerce security issues, Cryptography, Digital Signature and Authentication protocol, Digital Certificates, Online Security, Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
Practical Solution

1) Write steps to set or change following- a) computer name, b) workgroup name.

2) Write steps to include Web-site in your favourite.

3) Write steps to unhide pop-up block.

4) Write steps to show default work-group name.

5) Write steps to set default work-group name.

6) Write steps to set default gateways.

7) Write steps to identify IP address.

8) Write steps to set URL as Home page.

10) Write steps to set IP address and subnet mask.

11) Write steps to view network connection.

12) Write steps to change font size of web content.

13) Write steps to view the coding of web page.

14) Write steps to enable/disable firewall.

15) Write steps to turn on and turn off automatic updates.

16) Write steps to To Create e-mail account, Send Email and Add Name in Address Book.

Objective Questions

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