Relational Database Management System Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Evolution of Database Technology, File-Oriented System, Database System, Client Server Platforms, Three layer Architecture of DBMS, Data Independence: Physical and Logical, Database System in the Organization: Databases and Data Sharing, Strategic Database Planning, Management Control, Risks and Cost of Database, Logical and Physical Data Representation.
Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC), Principles of Conceptual Database Design, Objects, Specialization, Generalization, Relationship, Cardinality, Attributes, Relational Data Model: Fundamental Concepts, Normalization Process (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF ), Transforming Conceptual Model to a Relational Model.
Relational Algebra, Relational Implementation with SQL, Introduction, Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL), Transaction Control Language (TCL), Schema and Table Definition, SQL Functions: Mathematical Functions, Group Functions, View Definition: Introduction, Command to Create a VIEW. 
Physical Storage Media, Disk Performance Factors, Data Storage Format File Organization and Addressing Methods Implementing, Managing the Database Environment- Database Administration and Control,  DBA Functions, Goals, Integrity, Security and Recovery.
Introduction to SQL: Components of SQL, DDL, DML, Quary Language, DCL, TCL, SCL etc., Invoking SQL*PLUS, The Oracle Data Types, Two Dimensional Matrix Creation, Insertion, Updation, Deletion operations, the many faces of Select Command, Creating Tables using Query, Inserting Data Using Query, Modifying the Structure of Tables, Renaming Tables, Dropping Tables, Dropping Columns, Logical Operators, Range Searching, Pattern Matching, Use of Alias, Oracle Functions, Accessing Data from Multiple Tables, Set Operations: Union, Intersect, Minus. Data Constraints: I/O Constraints, Business Rule Constraints, Grouping Data from Tables. Join: Equi-Join, Self-Join, Sub-Queries, Views, Sequences, Synonyms, Use of Save point, ROLLBACK & COMMIT Commands, Creating User Accounts, Granting Permission, Revoke Permission.  
Practical Solution

1) Create a Table for Student information like name,age,add,phone, class, college, etc. using create table command.

2) Insert Data into tables using both type of insert commands.

3) Add another column into database using modify command.

4) Select particular type of data using select command using like, functions etc.

5) Create another table from old table.

6) Run commands like DROP table, ROLLBACK, EDIT, DESC, /, etc.

7) Apply nested queries by oining two tables & select particular data item from both tables.

8) Arrange Columns data items in ascending or descending order.

9) Create VIEW and Indexes on Table.

10) Join Tables using join commands.

11) Create client table ith folloing fields- cid, cname, cadd, city, state and insert 10 records.

12) Create customer table with folloin fields- cust_id, cust_name, cust_mobile, cust_add, city, state and insert 10 records and apply the folloing constraints *NOT NULL, *PRIMARY KEY, *CHECK CONSTRAINT, *UNIQUE.

13) Select two fields from the table using folloing clauses * order by, *Distinct.

14) Select fields from the table and apply oracle functions like *AVG(), *MAX(), *MIN(), *COUNT(), *ABS(), *POWER(), *ROUND().

15) Apply the where clause on client (cid, cname, salary, cadd, city, state) table with
1. SELECT, 2. DELETE, 3. To insert data into some other table.

16) Create a table and apply ALTER TABLE command on the table.

17) Retrieve client information like cust_id, cust_name, city for customers where field
city=Delhi or Baroda.

18) Create table and relate them by using foreign key and reference table.

Objective Questions