Relational Database Management System Syllabus For BCA

Introduction, Evolution of DB and DBMS, Need for Data Management, Introduction & Application of DBMS, File System V/S Database System, Concepts of DBMS: Data, Information, Database, Components of DBMS, Architecture of Database System-Physical, Conceptual & User Level, Data Independence: Logical & Physical, DBMS Terminology, Data Dictionary, Concepts of Multitier, Architecture in Databases, Brief Idea about, Distributed Databases, Parallel Databases, Mobile Databases, Temporal Databases, Spatial Databases, Geographical Databases, Data Warehousing,  Data Mining, Data Visualization, OODB and XML Databases, Multimedia and Web Databases.

Database Models: Networks, Hierarchical and Relational Models, Features and Comparison of the three models, RDBMS: Introduction to Relational database, Structure of Relational Database, Relational Model terminology– domain, Attributes, Tuples, Relations, Relational DB Schema, E-R Model, ER- Diagram, ER- Concepts and types of relationships, Codd’s 12 rule, Normalization: Functional Dependency, definition, Trivial and Non-Trivial, Functional Dependencies, Steps involved in normalization, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, Decomposition using Functional Dependency preservation, BCNF, Multi- valued Dependency, 4NF Join Dependency, 5NF.


Idea about Generalization, Aggregation, Specialization, Indexing & Hashing: Basic Concepts, Indexing: b+ tree & B- tree index files, Hashing static & dynamic hashing, Elementary Concepts of Database Security: System failure, Backup and Recovery Techniques, Authorization and Authentication, Relational Algebra: Formal Definition, Fundamental Operations: select, project, union, set difference, Cartesian product & rename, additional operational operations, extended operations.


Concept of SQL sublanguages- DDL, DML, DCL, TCL, Embedded SQL, Interactive SQL: Oracle data types, table creation, modifying the structure of tables, dropping and renaming tables, DML commands: Insertion, updating, deletion operations, many faces of select command, data constraints, logical operations, range searching, pattern matching, oracle functions, use of Alias, Grouping data from tables, manipulating dates in SQL.

Joins Equi Join, Self join. Cross Join, Sub queries, Indexes, Views, Sequences, Roles, Synonyms, TCL Commands: use of save point, rollback, commit commands. DCL Commands: creating user accounts, granting permissions, revoking permissions. Concept of importing and exporting database files.
Practical Solution

1) Create tables named employee, department, Salary, Implement all DDL commands on it.

2) On the Employee table use the many faces of Select Command.

3) On a table perform WHERE clause HAVING, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN.

4) Create a database implementing Primary and Foreign Key.

5) Implement I/O constraints and Business rule constraints on the database created as in 4 above.

6) Perform nested queries on table STUDENT.

7) Perform different types of JOINS on any two tables.

8) Create VIEWS, SEQUENCES and SYNONYMS on a table.

9) Use of SAVEPOINT, ROLL BACK and COMMIT commands.

Objective Questions

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