File System v/s Database System

File System

This system adopted after the the se of punch cards for storing the information in 1960's. In this system files are managed by software and the operation performed like insert, update, delete etc. are done manually. The advantages of this kind of system is easy data handling and having good security. Easy data handling is possible because the the work done by human manually. But in file system there are number of disadvantages like data redundancy (Data Duplication) is high, data inconsistency is high, unable to maintain data integrity, only application for small business like local shop etc. Le s understand these points one by one that completely express file system- 

1. File System adopted in 1960's for easy data handling manually.

2. The files are stored in Hard Disk Drives and managed by software and provides security.

3. All the operations like storing, searching or retrieving information is done manually and not highly technical skills were required.

4. Only one record is maintained in one file and hence many files were used to store many records.

5. Data Consistency is not achieved in this system because manual checking of data is not easy.

6. Data Redundancy is also not achieved in this system due to the possibility of having one record in more than one files and its manual checking is time consuming.

Database System

To overcome the issues created in File System, database system is in use. In the Database systems software manages the databases rather than files. Database system can not be used by normal human, for using this system human must be skilled in database technology. The Database System is very useful because it provides less redundant and consistent data as compared with file system redundant and inconsistent data by using Normalization process. The integrity is also achieved by database system but there is a problem i.e. the SQL Language knowledge is must for user. This process is semi manually process because you have to use any SQL command that can be performed by SQL Engine on Database to access, insert, update or delete operations. Let us understand Database System point by point-

1. Database System Come in Market after the file systems.

2. Database system provides the Data Consistency, less Data Redundancy and High Data Integrity.

3. Database System are used in large scale organization where the need of huge amount of data to be stored. 

4. Database System also supports other operations like TCL (Transaction Control Language) and DCL (Data Control Language) etc.

5. The Database management is a complex process.       

Difference between File System v/s Database System

TopicFile SystemDatabase System
DefinitionA system that manages the data into files inside the HDD and perform the file related operations.A system that organize the collected data into a structure inside the database and perform the database related operation using SQL query Language.
Data Sharingfiles are located in local system hence data sharing is not done. Databases are stored in centralized system hence sharing is allowed in Database System.
Data SecurityFiles are stored in local system so it is secured if no other person use local system otherwise it is not secured. Majorly we call File System is insecure if files stored on Network.Data stored in Database which is located in centralized system and only authorized user (using username and password) can access it. Hence it is more secure.
Data ConsistencyData consistency is very poor in the file system. For an example, If one person information is stored in more than one file than we have to change the information in all the files of particular person if required otherwise one person information is different in different files.Data consistency is managed in database system. Because we can store data into centralized location.
Data IntegrityData integrity is not maintained in file system.Data integrity is maintained by DBMS system.
Data RedundancyData Redundancy (Data Duplication) is a major problem in file system.Less Data Redundancy is exist in Database System.
Normalization ProcessNormalization process is not used in File System.Normalization process is required to maintain Remove the Data Redundancy and to Achieve the Data Consistency.
ApplicationIt is used in small scale organization like local shop or locality information. It is used to store at large scale organization like college, university etc.
Backup & RecoveryIn File System, Backup & data recovery process is not good. If data is removed than there is less chances to recover complete data.In this system Data Backup & Recovery is possible. In case of system failure backup is used to restore or recover the lost data.
StructureSimple Structure is used to store data i.e. file.Database structure is complex and normal human can not understand it.
Query LanguageNo any query language is required. Database system required a Query Language known as SQL (Structure Query Language).
Data AbstractionData abstraction is not provided in File System. Data Abstraction is possible in Database system. Only user required information is accessible other information is hidden to provide data abstraction functionality.
User InterfaceSingle User Interface is provided in File System hence called Isolated system. Multiuser interface is provided by Database System so that multi user can access at the same time for same database.
Concurrency ControlConcurrent Access is not achieved in File System Concurrent access is possible in Database System.
Transaction ControlTransaction Control Not possible in File System. Transaction Control is achieved in Database System using TCL commands.
Data ControlData Control not possible in File System. Data Control is achieved in Database System using DCL commands.
ExamplesNTFS, FAT & FAT32 etc. MS-SQL, Oracle & MySQL etc.

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