➤ On the Employee table use the many faces of Select Command.

Select Command can be categorized in many ways given below-

1. Select all columns data from table without condition.

2. Select specific Columns data from table without Condition.

3. Select all columns data from table with Condition.

4. Select specific Columns data from table with Condition.

Let us fire the queries of each by given below steps -

1. Create table Employee



    Emp_ID int,

    EName varchar(20),

    Age int,

    Department char(10)


        Table Created.

2. Insert record into the Employee Table

SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(1,'Tanu', 20, 'HR');

        1 Row Created.

SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(2,'Shreya', 19, 'Caller');

        1 Row Created.

SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(3,'Roshni', 26, 'Manager');

        1 Row Created.

3. Now we can apply different faces of Select Command.

    A. Select all columns data from table without condition by below query.

        SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee;

Emp_ID EName Age Department
1 Tanu 20 HR
2 Shreya 19 Caller
3 Roshni 26 Manager

    B. Select specific Columns data from table without Condition by below query.

        SQL> SELECT EName, Age FROM Employee;

EName Age
Tanu 20
Shreya 19
Roshni 26

    C. Select all columns data from table with Condition by below query.

        SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID=2;

Emp_ID EName Age Department
2 Shreya 19 Caller

    D. Select specific Columns data from table with Condition by below query.

        SQL> SELECT EName, Age FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID=2; 

EName Age
Shreya 19

➤ Practical Screen Shot of Oracle 10g-

BCA RDBMS Practical Number 2.1 Screen Shot
BCA RDBMS Practical Number 2.1 Screen Shot

BCA RDBMS Practical Number 2.2 Screen Shot
BCA RDBMS Practical Number 2.2 Screen Shot

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