➤ On a Table Perform WHERE clause, HAVING, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN.

Steps to perform the given commands one by one mentioned below-

1. Create a table Employee by given commands-



                Emp_ID int,

                Emp_Name varchar(20),

                Department varchar(10),

                Salary numeric(10,2)


            Table Created.

2. Insert 5 Records in Employee Table by given commands-

    SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(1, 'Shreya', 'HR', 12000);

            1 row created.

    SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(2, 'Tanu', 'Manager', 15000);

            1 row created.

    SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(3, 'Roshni', 'Caller', 10000);

            1 row created.

    SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(4, 'Sejal', 'Caller', 10000);

            1 row created.

    SQL> INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(5, 'Manisha', 'Caller', 10000);

            1 row created.

3. Now we can see our table record by given command-

    SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee;

Emp_ID Emp_Name Department Salary
1 Shreya HR 12000
2 Tanu Manager 15000
3 Roshni Caller 10000
4 Sejal Caller 10000
5 Manisha Caller 10000

4. Now we can perform the practical on given keywords or clauses-

    A. WHERE Clause- it is used for filtering the record by conditions. 

        For an Example we can filter record of Employee whose Emp_ID is 3 by given query-

        SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID=3;

Emp_ID Emp_Name Department Salary
3 Roshni Caller 10000

    B. Having Clause- It is used with GROUP BY Clause for filtering the record.

        Example- we can filter record to count Employees whose department='Caller' by given query.

        SQL> SELECT Department, COUNT(*) as Total_Emp FROM Employee GROUP BY Department HAVING department='Caller';

Department Total_Emp
Caller 3

    C. Group By Clause- It is used for grouping the data according to given attribute with Aggregate function.

        Example- We can calculate sum of salary grouping by Department by given query.

        SQL>SELECT Department, SUM(Salary) as Salary FROM Employee GROUP BY Department; 

Department Salary
Manager 12000
Caller 30000
HR 12000

    D. Order By- it is used for fetching record according to ascending or descending column values.

        Example- we can show data in descending order of Emp_ID by given query.

        SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee ORDER BY Emp_ID DESC;

Emp_ID Emp_Name Department Salary
5 Manisha Caller 10000
4 Sejal Caller 10000
3 Roshni Caller 10000
2 Tanu Manager 15000
1 Shreya HR 12000

    E. IN - This Logical Operator is used to compare matching record from set of values which is separated by comma.

    Example- We can show data whose Emp_ID in 2,4,5 by given query.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID IN (2,4,5);

Emp_ID Emp_Name Department Salary
2 Tanu Manager 15000
4 Sejal Caller 10000
5 Manisha Caller 10000

    F. NOT IN- This Logical Operator is used to compare not matching record from set of values which is separated by comma.

    Example- We can show data whose Emp_ID except 2,4,5 by given query.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID NOT IN (2,4,5);

Emp_ID Emp_Name Department Salary
1 Shreya HR 12000
3 Roshni Caller 10000

    G. BETWEEN- This Range Operator is used to select record from given range.

    Example- We can show data whose salary lies between 10000 to 12000 by given query.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Salary BETWEEN 10000 AND 12000;

Emp_ID Emp_Name Department Salary
1 Shreya HR 12000
3 Roshni Caller 10000
4 Sejal Caller 10000
5 Manisha Caller 10000

➤ Practical Screen Shot of Oracle 10g

BCA RDBMS Practical Number 3.1 Screen Shot
BCA RDBMS Practical Number 3.1 Screen Shot

BCA RDBMS Practical Number 3.2 Screen Shot
BCA RDBMS Practical Number 3.2 Screen Shot

BCA RDBMS Practical Number 3.3 Screen Shot
BCA RDBMS Practical Number 3.3 Screen Shot

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