Basics of Computer & Information Technology Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Basic Organization of Computer System, Block Diagram & Functions (Central Processing Unit, Input/ Output Unit, Storage Unit), Characteristics; Capabilities & Limitations. Types of Computing Devices: Desktop, Laptop & Notebook Smart-Phone, Tablet PC, Server, Workstation & Their Characteristics, Primary Memory & Their Types: RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Cache Memory,
Peripheral Devices: Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Joystick, Digitizer or Graphic Tablet, Scanners, Digital Camera, Web Camera, MICR, OCR, OMR, Barcode Reader, voice Recognition device, Light Pen & Touch Screen. Output Devices: Display Devices (CRT, TFT, LCD, LED, Multimedia Projectors), Video Standard: GA, SVGA, XGA etc. Impact Printers (Daisy Wheel, Dot Matrix & Line Printer); Non impact Printer (Inkjet, Laser, Thermal);
Storage Devices: Magnetic Tape, Cartridge, Data Drives, Hard Disk Drives(Internal & External), Floppy Disks, CD, VCD, CD-RW, Zip Drive, DVD, DVD-RW, USB Flash Drive, Blue Ray Disc & Memory Cards.

DOS Basics: FAT, File & Directory Structure and Naming Rules, Booting Process, DOS System Files, Internal & External DOS Commands,  

Windows Basics (only elementary aids): 

Windows 7 & 8: Desktop, Control Panel; saving, renaming, moving, Copying and Searching Files & Folders, Restoring from Recycle Bin, Creating Shortcut, Establishing Network Connections.


Text Editing and Formatting using Word 2007 & Onwards versions Creating Documents using Template; Saving Word File in Various File Formats; Previewing documents, printing document to file or Page, Protecting Document, Editing of selected text, inserting, Deleting and Moving Text, 

Formatting Documents: Page Layout; Paragraph Format, Aligning Text and Paragraph, Border and Shading, Header & Footers.


Creating Presentation using Slide master and Template in various themes & variants. Working with Slides: New Slide, Move, Copy, Delete, Duplicate, Slide Layouts, Presentation views, Format Menu: Font, Paragraph, Drawing & Editing, Printing presentation: Print slides, Notes, Non impact Printer (Inkjet, Laser, Thermal); Handouts and Outlines, Saving Presentation in different file formats. Workbook & Worksheet Fundamentals: Concept of Row, Columns & Cell; Creating a new workbook through blank & template. Working with worksheet: Entering data into worksheet (General, Number, Currency, Date, Time, Text, Accounting, etc), Renaming, Copying, Inserting, Deleting and Protecting Worksheet, Working with Row & Column (Inserting, Deleting, Pasting, Resizing & Hiding), Cell & Cell formatting, Concept of Range.

Internet: World Wide Web, Dial up connectivity, Leased Line, VSAT, Broadband, Wi-Fi, URL, Domain Name, Web Browser( Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, UC Browser etc.), Search Engine (Google, Bing, Ask etc.); Website: Static & Dynamic; Difference between Website & Portal, E-mail: Account opening: Sending & Receiving Mails, Managing Contacts & Folders, E-mail, Internet & Social Networking Ethics Types of viruses & Antivirus. Computer Security issues & its protection through firewall & Antivirus, Making Secured online transactions.
Objective Questions

Digital Marketing Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Digital Marketing, Understanding the Marketing Process, Increasing Visibility, Types of Visibility, Examples of Visibility, Visitor Engagement Bringing Targeted Traffic, Inbound, Outbound, Understanding Conversion Process, Retention, Types of Retentions, Performance Evaluation, Tools Needed.

Understanding Internet, Difference between Internet & Web, Understanding Websites and Domain Names, Extensions, Web Server and Web Hosting, Different Types of Web Servers, Planning and Conceptualizing a Website, Building Website using CMS in Class.


Understanding Google Analytics, Setup Analytics Account, Add Analytics Code in a Website, Understanding Goals and Conversions, Setup Goals, Understanding Bounce Rate, Difference between Bounce Rate and Exit Rate, Reduce Bounce Rate, Monitoring Traffic Sources.


Marketing on Social Networking Websites, Viral Marketing and Its Importance Facebook Marketing, Twitter Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Google Plus Marketing, Video Marketing, Printerest Marketing.

Introduction to SEO and Its Importance, Google AdWords Overview, Understanding AdWords Algorithms, Creating Search Compaigns, Creating Ads Tracking Performance/ Conversion, Optimizing Search Compaigns, Creating Display Compaigns.
Objective Questions

Web Designing Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Web Page Overview, Elements of a Webpage, Types of Sites-Personal Sites, Small Business Sites, Large Business Sites, Online Business Sites, Educational Institution Sites, Government Sites, Blogs, Twitter, Matching Format to Audience, Creating Guidelines, Creating a Site Structure, Writing for the Web, Download Time, Methods for Creating Pages, Publishing a Site, Addressing a Web Site, Absolute and Relative Addresses, URL, Static and Dynamic Website.

Head Content, Adding a Title, Body Content, Paragraph break, Line Breaks, Horizontal Breaks, Fonts and Text-Size, Text color, Headings, Aligning Text, List, Background Color.


About HTML Editors, Net beans, Dream Viewer, The Editing Environment, Effective Page Design, Uniform Style, Finding Design Ideas, Headings, Lists, Using White Spaces, Splitting the Text, Colors and Background, Creating Pages with Save As.


Frames, Tables, Animation Effects, Creating Forms, Images, Image Formats for the Web, Obtaining Images, Image Size, Editing Images, Thumbnails, Images and Text, Rollover Images, Navigation, Types of Hyperlinks, Navigation Bars, Linking to External Sites, Email Links, Creating Image Map, Image Maps in Action, Site Maps, Three-Click Navigation, Site Linkage.

CSS: Creating and Editing Cascading Style Sheets, Adding Sounds-Type of Sound Files Linking to Sound Files, embedding Sound Files, Video, Analog Video, Digital Video, Webcams, animation, Downloading Animation, Flash Publishing, Testing, Transferring to the Web, Registering a Site, Marketing a Site, Maintaining a site, Domain Names, Web Hosting.
Practical Solution

1) Create a Time Table of Your Class.

2) Create a Mark List of Examination.

3) Create a Web Page displaying Personal Information on the following topics: Your Name, Address, Date of Birth, Hobbies, Favorite pastime, Ideals, Favorite Music, Favorite Films.

4) Create an HTML document with the paragraph using for the first word of every sentence.

5) Create an HTML document to describe Ordered, Unordered and Definition list and thier features.

6) Create a Webpage for the Following

7) Create an HTML document to include an Image. Use the width and height attribute of the tag to
>Increase the Image size by 100%
>Increase the Image size by 50%
>Change the width to height ration to 2:1.

Objective Questions

Internet And E-Commerce Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Internet: Evolution, Concepts, Growth of Internet, ISP, ISP in India, Types of Connectivity, Dial-up, Leased Line, DSL, Broadband, RF, VSAT etc., Methods of Sharing of Internet Connection, Use of Proxy Server, Internet Services: USENET, GOPHER, WAIS, ARCHIE, VERONICA, IRC, Concepts of Search Engines, Search Engine Types, Searching the Web, Web-Servers, TCP/IP and Other main protocol used on the Web, E-mail: Concepts of e-mailing, POP and Web Based E-mail merits, address, Basics of sending and Receiving, E-mail Protocols, Mailing List, Free E-mail services, e-mail servers and e-mail client programs.

Introduction to E-Commerce emergence of the Internet, Commercial use of the Internet, Emergence of the World Wide Web, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce, Transition to E-Commerce in India, E-Commerce opportunities for industries.


Models: Business models for E-Commerce, Models based on Relationship of Transition Parties: B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B, Models based on Relationship of Transition types, Brokerage Model, Aggregator Model, Infomediary Model, Community Model, Value-Chain Model, Manufacturer Model, Advertising Model, Subscription Model, Affiliate Model.


E-Marketing versus Traditional Marketing, Identifying Web Presence Goals, Browsing Behavior Model, Online Marketing, E-Advertising, Internet Marketing Trends, E-Branding and E-Marketing Strategies.

E-Security, Information System Security, Security on the Internet, E-Business Risk Management Issues, Information Security environment in India, 
E-Payment System, Digital Payment Requirement, Digital Token Based e-payment System, Properties of Electronic Cash, risk and e-payment Systems and Designing –payment systems, 
Secure Business, Web-Store, Online Payment, Internet Banking, Security- E-Commerce security issues, Cryptography, Digital Signature and Authentication protocol, Digital Certificates, Online Security, Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
Practical Solution

1) Write steps to set or change following- a) computer name, b) workgroup name.

2) Write steps to include Web-site in your favourite.

3) Write steps to unhide pop-up block.

4) Write steps to show default work-group name.

5) Write steps to set default work-group name.

6) Write steps to set default gateways.

7) Write steps to identify IP address.

8) Write steps to set URL as Home page.

10) Write steps to set IP address and subnet mask.

11) Write steps to view network connection.

12) Write steps to change font size of web content.

13) Write steps to view the coding of web page.

14) Write steps to enable/disable firewall.

15) Write steps to turn on and turn off automatic updates.

16) Write steps to To Create e-mail account, Send Email and Add Name in Address Book.

Objective Questions

Desktop Publishing And Multimedia Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Importance and Advantages of DTP, DTP Software and Hardware, Commercial DTP Packages, Page Layout Programs, Introduction to Word Processing, Commercial DTP Packages, Difference between DTP Software  and Word Processing Software.

Types of Graphics, Uses of Computer Graphics, Introduction to Graphics Programs, Font and Type Faces, Types of Fonts, Creation of Fonts (Photographer), Anatomy of Type Faces, Printers, Types of Printers used in DTP, Plotter, Scanner.


History and Versions of Page Maker, Creating a new page, Document Setup Dialog Box, Paper Size, Page Orientation, Margins, Different Methods of Placing Text and Graphics in a Document, Master Page, Story Editor, Formatting of Text, Indent, Leading, Hyphenation, Spelling Check, Creating Index, Text Wrap, Position (Superscript/ Subscript), Control Palette.


History, Multimedia Elements, Text, Image, Animation, Sound and Video, Text, Concept of Plain Text and Formatted Text, RTF and HTML Text, Image, Importance of Graphics in Multimedia, Image Capturing Methods, Scanner, Digital Camera, Sound- Sound and its Effect in, Multimedia, Analog and Digital Sound, Animation, Basics Principles and use of Animation, Video, Basics of Video, Analog and Digital Video.

Features of Multimedia, Overview of Multimedia, Multimedia Software Tools, Multimedia Authoring- Production and Presentation, Graphic File Formats, MIDI- Overview, Concept, Structure of MIDI, MIDI Devices, MIDI Messages.
Objective Questions

Fundamentals of Computer and PC Software Syllabus For B.Com Computer Application

Introduction to Computer System: Block Diagram, Components: Mother Board, Processor, Main Memory, Cache Memory, Hard Disk. Input Devices, Output Devices, External Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, CD ROM, DD USB Drives.
Types of Software: System Software, Application Software, Utility Software.
System Software: Operating System. Utility Programs: Antivirus, Disk cleaning, Defragmentation, Compression & Decompression of files. 
Application Software: examples of commercial software with brief introduction. Programming Languages: Low-Level Language, Assembly Language, Middle Level Language and High Level Language, Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler, Difference between Compiler & Interpreter.  
Operating System: Definition, Functions of Operating System, CUI & GUI Topics, Types of Operating System like Single User, Multi User, Real Time, Time Sharing, Batch Processing, Multiprocessing, Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Distributed Processing, Elementary idea of Various common operating systems prevalent round the world.
MS Windows: An introduction and its features, desktop, taskbar, files and folders, start menu operations, my computer, network neighborhood, recycle-bin, windows explorer, creating copying, moving and deleting files, setting wallpaper, changing the mouse pointer, paint, notepad, understanding the OLE features.

Introduction to MS-Word: Advantages of word processing, creating, saving and editing a document: Selecting, deleting, Replacing Text, Copying Text to another file. Insert, Formatting Text and Paragraph, Using the font, Dialog Box , Paragraph Formatting using Bullets and Numbering in Paragraph, Use of Smart Art, Checking Spelling, Line spacing, Margins, Space before and after paragraph, Mail merge, customizing the ribbon.
Introduction to MS-Excel: Entering Information: Numbers, Formula, Editing Data in a cell, Excel functions, using a range with SUM, Moving and copying data, Inserting and Deleting Row & Columns in the worksheet, Using the format Cells Dialog box, Using chart wizard to create a chart.
Introduction to MS-Power Point: Introduction to Power point presentation, Slide Show, Formatting, creating a presentation, Inserting Smart Arts, Adding Objects, Applying Transitions, and Animation effects, Adding Tables, Charts and Media files.
Decision Support System: Importance of Decision support system, limitation, Characteristics of DSS, Decision Support and Structure of decision making decision Support and Repetitiveness of decision Making.
Expert Systems: Support for System making phases, Support for the intelligence Phase, Support for the design phase, support for the support for the choice phase, decision Support and Alternative Concepts of Decision making.
Management Information System: Introduction to role of IT, MIS characteristics and application areas Business and Technology trends-specialization, management by methodology, decentralization, internationalization etc.
Internet: Meaning, Definitions, History, Internet protocols, TCP\IP, FTP, HTTP, URL. Internet Browsers, WWW Consortium, Search Engines. Introduction to Internet Security terminology-network security, firewall, cryptography, password, biometrics, digital signature, digital certificate. Business applications of internet, email, UseNet, newsgroup, telnet, intranet, e-ticketing, chatting.
E-Banking and its Benefits: Smart Card, E-cash, Online financial services stock trading, E-broking, E-business Model, Do-it-yourself model, Made-to-order model, Information Service Model, Emerging hybrid models.  
Useful Shortcuts of Computer Fundamentals
Objective Questions