Fundamental of Computer Objective Set_1

1) The brain of any computer System is:
        a) ALU❌                 
        b) Memory❌         c) CPU✅                  d) Control Unit❌

2) The output quality of printer is measured by:
a) Dot per sq. inch❌  
        b) Dot per inch✅  
        c) Dots print per sec❌  
        d) All of these❌

3) Mnemonic a memory trick is used in which of the following language?
       a) Machine❌                 
) Assembly✅        c) High Level❌                 d) None of these❌

4) In word processing, changing the appearance of a document is called:
       a) Editing ❌  
       b) Writing ❌      
       c) Formatting ✅        d) All of these❌

5) A nibble consists of:
       a) bits❌        b) 4 bits✅    
       c)  6 bits❌        d) 16 bits❌

6) The smallest unit of data in a computer is called:
       a) Nibble❌        b) Byte❌            
       c) Bit✅         
       d) Cell❌

7)  A Giga Byte (GB) is equal to the:
       a) 1024 Byte❌        b) 1024 MB✅        c) 1024 KB❌        d) 1024 TB❌

8)  A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is:
       a) Compiler❌    
       b)  Interpreter❌        c)  Assembler✅        d)  Converter❌

9) Which device is used for translate data from a computer into pictorial form on paper?
       a) Mouse❌        b) Plotter ✅        c) Touch Panel❌      
       d) Card Punch❌

10) An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is:
       a) O.M.R.✅   
       b) Punch Card Reader❌ 
       c) Optical Scanners❌ 
       d) Magnetic Tape❌ 

11) The symbols used in an assembly language are:
       a) Code❌        b) Mnemonics✅        c)   Assembly❌        d) None of these❌

12) Codes consisting of light and dark marks which may be optically read is known as:
       a) Mnemonics❌      
       b) Binary❌        c)   Bar Code✅        d) Decoder❌

13) Binary Language is also known as:
      a) Machine❌      
      b) Assembly❌       c)  Low Level❌          
      d) Both a and c✅

14) The device that can both feed data into and accept data from a computer is:
      a) CPU❌            
      b) ALU❌    
      c)  Memory❌     
      d) Input & Output Device✅

15) A pen shaped device can sense light, and is used to point at spots on a video screen:
      a) Mouse❌       b) Light Pen✅       c)   Joystick❌       d) Plotter❌

16) Which of the following is non-volatile storage?
      a) Primary❌       b) Cache❌       c) Secondary✅       d) None of these❌

17) Which unit is responsible for converting the data received from the user into a
      computer understandable format?
      a) Input Unit✅      
      b) Output Unit❌       c) Control Unit❌    
      d) None of these❌

18) The only language which the computer understands is:
      a) Assembly❌       b) Binary✅       c) BASIC❌       d) C Language❌

19) Whenever the data is found in the cache memory it is called as:
      a) MISS❌       b) FOUND❌       c) FLAG❌       d) HIT✅

20) The transfer between CPU and Cache is:
a) Block Transfer❌  
      b) Word Transfer✅  
      c) Bit Transfer❌        
      d) None❌