Line Break Tag

 Line Break Tag in HTML

Line Break tag is used to break a line and move cursor to next line for writing. In HTML programming <br> tag is used to create a Line Break.

Line Break tag or <br> tag is open tag means it has no end Tag and we can also use <br> tag as <br/> tag.

<br> tag can be utilized in not only paragraph writing but also in Poem, Letter, Nobel Writing.

Let us Understand about basic use of <br> tag in HTML coding given below-

        <TITLE> Use of Line Break Tag </TITLE>



          This Content not having Line Break Tag. Hence it is in Same Line till the line is not completed
          after completion of line automatic text will be move in next line but some time we need sudden
          move towards next line Hence in that case we will use break rule or line break tag in next
          paragraph many times.
          This Content having Line Break Tag.<br> Hence it is not in Same Line line when browser read
          line break tag <br> it breaks the line and switches the cursor automatic in next line.<br> After
          completion of line automatic text will be move in next line but some time we need sudden
          move towards next line. <br>Hence in that case we will use break rule or line break tag <br> in
          this paragraph many times.



Line Break Tag in HTML
Line Break Tag or Break Rule Tag in HTML

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