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Block Diagram of Computer System |
The Computer System or any kind of Machine generally contains three parts which are very important:-
👉Input Unit- Used to take Input from user and convert it into machine understandable instruction.
👉Processing Unit- This Unit works on input data or commands and generate the desired output.
👉Output Unit- This Unit works to represent output or processed data to human understandable format.
Let us understand basic components used in Block Diagram of Computer System with their working-
👉Input Unit or Input Device- This unit generally works to take user input as a Data or Command or Instructions and convert it into the format so that processing unit can process on it and generate an output in desirable format. For an Example if user wants to add two number he will provide two numbers as a data and command to add by using input device like Keyboard.
👉Storage Unit or Memory Unit- This unit works on storing the Data or providing the place for process execution. In our case, two numbers are store in RAM for processing and after adding also saved in RAM. This unit contains two parts given below-
💡Primary Memory- This memory is used in process execution. Example RAM and ROM are Primary memory in which RAM is Volatile and ROM is Non-Volatile Memory.
💡Secondary Memory- This memory is used to permanently save data in system. Example of Secondary Memory are Hard Disk Drives (HDD) or USB etc. Secondary Memory also called Auxiliary Memory.
👉 Central Processing System (CPU)- CPU also called Processor or Brain of Computer System that works on processing upon given instruction on given data or stored data. The processing Unit contains two parts-
💡Control Unit- The work of this unit is to control the Instruction, Data or Command so that after processing user get desired result. For an Example at the time of printing command, Control Unit checks the printer is idle or not and if idle than command will fire otherwise command saved in spooler.
💡Arithmetic & Logical Unit- This part works on Arithmetic Operation like Addition, Subtraction etc. and Logical Operation like comparing two data or value etc.
👉 Output Unit or Output Device- This unit works on representing the processed data so that user can understand it. Example printer prints the document and monitor display the data to user as a Result.
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