DBMS is a place where data is stored and at the same time data is maintained. DBMS also provides facilities to organize data by using the insert, update and delete commands. In other words, we can say DBMS is used to store data efficiently and retrieve it effectively.
Database Management System is a software tool developed by different organizations to store and maintain data efficiently and provide features like security, integrity etc. Now a days number of DBMS systems are used like MS-ACCESS, MS-SQL are Microsoft Products, Oracle and MySQL are Oracle Products etc.to store and maintain the data.
Basic Components of Database Management System
We know that every software tool have some components similarly DBMS also comprises some basic components which are given below-
1. Users-
Users may be Naive user, Application Programmer, Database Administrator etc. Those uses Database System and perform queries on it.
2. Database Application-
This is used to provide an interface through which you can access the Database Management System that can be further categorized by organization level, manager level etc.
3. Database Management System-
The Software tool which is used to store data and organize the data generally in tabular format.
4. Physical Storage-
Where Data is Collectively stored as a single Unit.
Basic Components of DBMS |
Need of Database Management System
DBMS is needed in daily life to maintain the record at a single place. The number of functionalities provided by DBMS which are-
1. High level Insertion, Deletion and Updating.
2. Providing the Data Consistency
3. Providing data Integrity and Security
4. Providing Concurrency Control and Access.
5. Providing Transaction Control
6. Providing Managerial Control on Data
7. Providing Data Independency at both logical and physical level.
8. Providing Redundancy Removal features or Store less redundant Data etc. are the needs of DBMS.
Application of DBMS
1. Schools, College, Universities- These Educational Organization store Data in DBMS System.
2. Airline System- Where Ticket Booking, Scheduling of Flights etc. is stored in DBMS.
3. Hospital- Hospital or in Medical Organization where Medicine, Doctors, Patients etc. information is stored in DBMS system.
4. Agriculture Field- Where Seed information stored in DBMS.
5. Data ware House & Data Mining- which collect all the Data which is stored in different DBMS and perform mining techniques to predict pattern and take profitable decisions.
6. Railway System- Where ticket Booking, Schedule of Trains, Passenger information is stored in DBMS.
7. Banking Sector- Where Customer Account, Policy Information etc. are stored in DBMS.
There are number of Application exist where DBMS play a vital role.
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